Autumn and winter Boating


Chas Hardern Boats can provide you with a boat for your holiday all year round. Although the majority of people go boating during the summer there can be benefits to cruising outside of this period.

 Autumn brings lovely misty mornings and abundant berries and fruits in the hedgerows to brighten your route. Later there are bright frosty mornings and peaceful days with hardly a boat in sight. The canal is your own.

winter-7A boating holiday over Christmas or New Year is a different way to pass the festive season. Nothing like building up an appetite working some locks whilst the turkey is cooking on the boat.

Out of the main season you can usually choose your start and finish days and dates on any of the boats.

Our boats are all equipped with very efficient diesel central heating and two of the boats, Thorin and Rohryn, also have coal fires. We  supply hot water bottles so your bed can be lovely and warm before you get in!

Between the beginning of November and the middle of March, apart from two weeks over Christmas & New year, the Canal and River trust undertake a maintenance schedule.  It is wise to check on their website   on the stoppages section before planning your route. Alternatively contact us and we can advise you.

winter-6Of course boating over the autumn and winter period may require a little more planning. You will definatly need to bring suitable clothes and footwear for the seasons -just in case!  Hiking boots, wellingtons. waterproof coats, hats, gloves and scarves all help keep you toasty warm and dry.

All the boats have a t.v and dvd player and a small selection of books and playing cards. Bring your favourite board games to while away the evening or visit a local pub for a hearty supper.

Remember to bring a torch for walks back from the pub’ although we do supply a torch it is always useful to have a spare.

We would love to hear from you to discuss your plans. Please get in touch to let us help plan your next great adventure.